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Our Stories: Centennial Spotlights

Centennial book cover art
Photo of George and George-Frank Wall superimposed over the building being named for them
Centennial Spotlights

George & George-Frank Wall

After Trinity College moved to Durham in 1892, school janitor and handyman George Wall later moved to Durham and continued working as a custodian on the new campus. He purchased a small property and built a house near East Campus, Wall became a leader in the growing working-class community, eventually named “Walltown.”

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Phail Wynn portrait
Centennial Spotlights

Phail Wynn

Under Wynn’s guidance Duke’s Office of Durham and Regional Affairs created partnerships to improve economic and community development, public education and quality of life through civic engagement initiatives.

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Wallace Fowlie standing next to a painting hold a book
Centennial Spotlights

Wallace Fowlie

For three decades, one of the most magical learning experiences at Duke was sitting in a large, crowded lecture hall, listening to Wallace Fowlie teach about Marcel Proust or the great French Symbolist poets.

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