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Our Stories: Centennial Spotlights

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Raymond Gavins headshot
Centennial Spotlights

Raymond Gavins

Raymond Gavins was a man of firsts. He was the first African American to be awarded a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. And he was the first African American to join the faculty of Duke University’s history department, where he stayed for 45 years.

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Samuel Katz Headshot
Centennial Spotlights

Samuel Katz

When a polio outbreak hit Boston in 1955 and lines of sick children jammed the local children’s hospital, young medical resident Samuel Katz dove into the fray to help however he could. In that moment, he found his calling.

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Professor Henry Petroski posing
Centennial Spotlights

Henry Petroski

A longtime professor of civil and mechanical engineering at Duke, Petroski liked to tweak the popular “form follows function” axiom, changing it to “form follows failure.” It was in failing, Petroski believed, that so much could be learned.

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Joe Pietrantoni headshot
Centennial Spotlights

Joe Pietrantoni

Anyone who carries a Duke card has Joseph Pietrantoni to thank. Known among friends as “Joe Piet,” Pietrantoni served as associate vice president for auxiliary services where he built an auxiliary infrastructure that became the envy of many universities.

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