There is so much more to the Blue Devil than foam and horns. Join your fellow Duke fans for an exclusive screening and release party of the short film Details of the Devil…The History of Duke’s Mascot to hear all the stories you never knew about our University’s iconic symbol. Beyond being named after a group of famous French soldiers from World War I, there have been 100 years of stories, shenanigans and students that have entertained fans around the world. This film will capture many endearing moments that have made the Blue Devil so special.
Prepared as part of Duke’s Centennial Celebration, the University Communications and Marketing Department has created this delightful deep dive into the origins of our mascot and many of the “behind the mask” stories of the students who have portrayed the Blue Devil over the years.
After the screening, stay to enjoy a panel discussion with alumni who proudly wore the suit and an opportunity to ask anything you’ve always wanted to know about what it’s like to be the mascot.
Details of the Devil: The History of Duke’s Mascot – Durham
Regional Signature Centennial Event
Hosted by: Duke Triangle
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
6 – 8:30 PM
6 – 8:30 PM
Scharf Hall and the Duke Hall of Fame Basketball Museum
Open to:
Alice McKenzie